
L5b English KSM 2020-21

Page history last edited by Perino 3 years, 6 months ago


Link to Teams: click!   /   Link to https://www.classmarker.com/    /   Timetable  H. Perino:  Stundenplan H. Perino 2020-21


(jump down to second semester: click!)

Class L5b   HS 2020 – 21  / Room B207 / B102


(HJP nicht an KSM)


(HJP an UZH)

FRI Dates:
09:25-11:15 NO English (time) (time) 09:25-10:10 Monday Friday
room B207 room XXX (room) (room) room B102      
Summer Holidays

(Eröffnungstag) (no English lessons)

KL in the morning: 10:10 / Task to first group English!)


Getting ready with Teams, OneNote, PBworks, etc. / Listening: sample FCE Listening comprehension (see OneNote)

(Eintrag Prüfungstermine)

17/08/20 21/08/20

Discussing chs. 13-16:  Elyne, Lorenzo, Thomas

Listening and Talking

      Writing 24/08/20 28/08/20

Discussing chs. 17-19:  Fabio, Silvan, Sebastian

Listening and Talking

    (Digital Day Zofingen!) Writing 31/08/20 04/09/20

Discussing chs. 20-22:  Andrin, David, Lukas L, Valdemar

Listening and Talking



(afterwards: Beisitz AD Prüfung Uni)

07/09/20 11/09/20

Discussing chs. 23-25:  Marc, Lukas G., Chiara, Gabriel

Listening and Talking


(EG) (EG) (EG) SCHiLw: XXX 14/09/20 18/09/20

Discussing chs. 26-27 (end) + final discussion:  Jonas, Ghada,  Colin Writing


(EG) (EG) (EG)



21/09/20 25/09/20
Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche 28/09/20 02/10/20
Autumn Holidays 05/10/20 09/10/20
12/10/20 16/10/20

Choosing new reader / Watching Movie "Catching Fire"


(BT) (BT) (BT)

Watching Movie "Catching Fire"


19/10/20 23/10/20

(freed up, former date for essay) finish watching movie / linking devices

      Self-Evaluation / Writing: linking devices, recap 5-P essay 26/10/20 30/10/20

Exam 1: Essay about Catching Fire (double lesson)

(Zwischennoten alle)

      practising listening comprehension 02/11/20 06/11/20

Exam 2: Listening Comprehension + Written Comment

(Konf. Zw.N.) (Konf. Zw.N.)   Language Revision Project (Grammar based) ...
09/11/20 13/11/20

HW: Read Ch. 1 of Lord of the Flies


(Aida, Tamara, Manuela watching)

  (Schnu.tg)   Working on project 16/11/20 20/11/20

HW: Read Chs. 2-4 of Lord of the Flies

(Esperanza, Nadja, Alexandra, Tobias watching) 

      Working on project

23/11/20 27/11/20

HW: Read Chs. 5 and 6 of Lord of the Flies

Listening Exam back

(Alexandra, Tobias watching)

      Working on project

30/11/20 04/12/20

HW: Read Chs. 7 of Lord of the Flies

Tobias teaching

Mariä Empfängnis: XXX (Präs. Mat.)   Working on project / laying down evaluation criteria

07/12/20 11/12/20

HW: Read Chs. 8 and nine of Lord of the Flies


(Präs. Mat.)


Working on project 

14/12/20 18/12/20
Xmas Holidays 21/12/20 25/12/20
28/12/20 01/01/21
Use time to record / write / practise your performance of your oral project. Texts and recordings must be finished by the end of the Friday lesson this week. Presentations will start Friday week.       

"Exam 3": Finalizing and Handing in and Presenting Grammar Project 


04/01/21 08/01/21

HW: Read Ch 10 of Lord of the Flies

(Präs. Mat.)


presentation of projects: Valdemar, Thomas Lorenzo Jonas, Sebastian Lukas L



HW: Read Ch 11 of Lord of the Flies

presentation: Chiara David Gabriel Colin, 
(Präs. Mat.)   (Präs. Mat.)


18/01/21  22/01/21

HW: Read to the END of Lord of the Flies

presentation of projects: Elyne


presentation of projects: Ghada, Marc Andrin, Silvan Fabio Lukas G

25/01/21  29/01/21
Watching movie "Lord of the Flies"       

Watching movie "Lord of the Flies" 

(Schüler-Feedback 1. Sem.)

01/02/21 05/02/21
Sports Holidays
Class L5b   HS 2020 – 21  / Room B207 / B102


(HJP nicht an KSM)


(HJP an UZH)

FRI Dates:
09:25-11:15 NO English (time) (time) 09:25-10:10 Monday Friday
room B207 room XXX (room) (room) room B102      
Sports Holidays
choosing new class reader (Shakespeare Play) / practising reading comprehenshion       Introduction to Shakespeare  22/02/21 26/02/21
Practising reading comprehension / debate in half class  –  close reading with assistant       HW: Watch "Shakspeare in Love" movie (Link OneNote) Starting MAAN play  01/03/21 05/03/21
Practising reading comprehension / debate in half class  –  close reading with assistant       HW: read up to the end of Act I / Choose personal reading book! 08/03/21 12/03/21

Exam 4: Matura type Reading Comprehension + Use of English

HW: read up to the end of Scene 1 in Act II 15/03/21 19/03/21
HW: Read Act II, scene II / L 2 assistant        HW: read up to the end of Act II (scene 3).  22/03/21 26/03/21
HW: Read Act III, scenes 1 and 2: L 1: Aida teaching / L 2 assistant       Karfreitag: XXX 29/03/21 02/04/21
Ostermontag: XXX       SCHILF XXX 05/04/21 09/04/21
Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche 12/04/21 16/04/21
Spring Holidays 19/04/21 23/04/21
26/04/21 30/04/21
HW: Watch / Read up to the end of Act III in class.       

Literary Quiz...

(Rausschmiss / Konzert Vocal Joy)

03/05/21 07/05/21
Activities MAAN Act III      Auffahrtsferien: XXX Auffahrtsferien: XXX 10/05/21 14/05/21

HW: Read up to the end of Act IV  / choosing literary period for presentation (after summer!) 


      working on literary period presentation 17/05/21 21/05/21
Pfingstmontag: XXX       HW: Read up to the end of Act V (end): final discussion 24/05/21 28/05/21

Exam 5: Topic: story writing

    (Fronleichnam: XXX) presenting oral projects (3) / working on literary period presentation 31/05/21 04/06/21
presenting oral projects (5)/ working on literary period presentation       (Perino is not present)  07/06/21 11/06/21
presenting oral projects (5 + 1)working on literary period presentation       presenting oral projects (3, via zoom/Teams, IATEFL conf.) / working on literary period presentation 14/06/21 18/06/21
SCHILF XXX        last lesson L5b...  21/06/21 25/06/21
Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche 28/06/21 02/07/21
Summer Holidays


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