Class K4a HS 2019-20 / Rooms B 209 / B 301 |
THUR. (HJP at UZH) |
FRI (HJP not at KSM) |
Dates: |
NO English |
10:30 - 11:15 |
13:50 - 15:25 |
NO English |
NO English |
Monday |
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Friday |
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room B 209 single ▼ use of Engl., reading comprehension |
room B 301 double ▼ ▼ reading, expression, listening, literary history |
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Summer Holidays |
Eröffnungstag XXX (KL Std.) |
Hello again! Reports language exchange. / overview / choosing Shakespeare work / short story |
Choosing Shakespeare work / reading "Hills like...", analyse, |
(Eintrag Prüfungstermine) |
19/08/19 |
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23/08/19 |
discussing "Hills like..." / how to analyse in general. |
doing reading comprehension in class |
(Sporttag XXX) |
26/08/19 |
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30/08/19 |
HW: complete analysis of "Hills..." |
HW / Task: HW: in groups of 3 choose a short story to analyse and present to the class (no mark, just good practice in literary analysis)
(HJP SMACK Tagung ---> Task) / INFO ETH - Uni
(HJP AD Exam UZH) |
02/09/19 |
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06/09/19 |
correct reading comprehension in class / looking into "mediation" |
Exam 1 (Essay, various topics, also literary)
(HJP FDE-Tagung) |
09/09/19 |
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13/09/19 |
(Exk. Flüelen EF Gg, ja / Exk. Tierpark 1.2, fu / E-Gesp.) |
Working on presentation short story / finish Mediation
(Exk. Tierpark 1.1, wt E-Gesp.)
(E-Gesp.) Presenting short stories / choosing 2 works for oral mark at the end of the year. |
16/09/19 |
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20/09/19 |
(E-Gesp.) |
watching Shakespeare in Love
watching Shakespeare in Love
(HJP LM exam KS Küsnacht) |
23/09/19 |
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27/09/19 |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
30/09/19 |
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04/10/19 |
Autumn Holidays |
07/10/19 |
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11/10/19 |
14/10/19 |
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18/10/19 |
(E-Bes. / Abgabe Mat-Arbeit) |
Shakespeare – Start reading Macbeth
Sonnet 18 and more / reading on in Macbeth
21/10/19 |
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25/10/19 |
HW: Read to the end of Act I
(Exk. Basel 3. Kl. wt)
Task: study topics on OneNote "Advanced Grammar" and "Grammar on Demand" pages ---> come up with questions. |
(Allerheiligen XXX) |
28/10/19 |
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01/11/19 |
(Zw-Noten Sem-prom / Exk. Uni-I 2.2, wt) |
Questions grammar / |
reading on in Macbeth Act I
(HJP WB KS Stadelhofen) |
04/11/19 |
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08/11/19 |
(Workshop biz I, KSM) |
HW: Read to the end of Act II
Questions about exam? / Discussing Act II
(Workshop biz I, KSM)
Exam 2 (reading comprehension and use of English)
(Workshop biz I, KSM)
(Workshop biz I, KSM) |
11/11/19 |
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15/11/19 |
(Schnupperhalbtag LzG) |
Discussing Act II /
(Schnupperhalbtag KzG)
HW: prep favourite speech / dialogue / Literary History Quiz ---> choosing period for presentation
(Schnupperhalbtag LzG)
18/11/19 |
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22/11/19 |
Literary History Quiz ---> choosing period for presentation, start working on presentation. |
read Act III MB in class / work on presentation |
25/11/19 |
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29/11/19 |
Exam back / book situation / work on presentation |
work on presentations |
02/12/19 |
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06/12/19 |
HW read to the end of Act III MB: discussion /
(Präsentation Maturaarbeiten 1)
Oral Mark 1 (literary history presentation, possible in pairs: when ready, i.e. AROUND this date.): Anja, Felicitas
HW read to the end of Act III MB: discussion : 5 keywords!
09/12/19 |
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13/12/19 |
(Präsentation Maturaarbeiten 2) |
(Weihnachtsfeier 15:30) |
16/12/19 |
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20/12/19 |
Xmas Holidays |
23/12/19 |
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27/12/19 |
30/12/19 |
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03/01/20 |
Hello, who presents when? / Prep. Presentation |
Lernberichtskonferenz 4. MAR --->Task: Read Act IV of Macbeth: do tasks in OneNote |
(Präsentation Maturaarbeiten 3) |
(Präsentation Maturaarbeiten 4) |
06/01/20 |
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10/01/20 |
Luca, Rahel: Old English Lit. / Svenja, Ronja: Modernism |
Linda, Michelle: Romanticism / Renato, Livio: Victorian / Raoul, Belinda: Late Victorian / |
13/01/20 |
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17/01/20 |
(Schnupperhalbtag KzG / Präsentation Maturaarbeiten 5) |
Fleur Enlightenment Viv. / Pascal, Sebastian: Renaissance, Elizabethan
(Schnupperhalbtag LzG)
Discussion on input
(Abg. Form. LPrSt an KLP 2./3. MAR / Präsentation Maturaarbeiten 6)
20/01/20 |
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24/01/20 |
(12:00 Notenabgabe Sem-Pr. / Zw-N J-Pr.) |
Discussion of Act IV Macbeth
Aileen, Viv. B. Revolution... // Reading Act V Macbeth
(Lernberichtskonferenzen 2./3. MAR / Workshop BIZ II / Theater)
Balancetag (Abgabe S&S-Feedback) |
27/01/20 |
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31/01/20 |
Sports Holidays |
L4b Engl./KL / K4a Engl. / K4b Engl. / K4z Engl. / K1cz-L3b SF Engl. / Opción Esp. L1b-K1b-L4b-K3a
Class K4a HS 2019-20 / Rooms B 209 / B 301
THUR. (HJP at UZH) |
FRI (HJP not at KSM) |
Dates: |
NO English |
10:30 - 11:15 |
13:50 - 15:25 |
NO English |
NO English |
Monday |
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Friday |
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room B 209 single ▼ |
room B 301 double ▼ ▼ |
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Sports Holidays |
Language challenge... on OneNote |
Achille: Post-Modern / Sebastian: Post-Modernism (both ill) / Finish reading Act V Macbeth |
17/02/20 |
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21/02/20 |
Fasnachts-frei XXX |
Fasnachts-frei XXX |
Watching 2nd part of Macbeth movie |
24/02/20 |
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28/02/20 |
(YES-Projekt, einzelne S&S abw.) |
Achille: Post-Modern / Sebastian: Post-Modernism / Discussing Act V Macbeth
(YES-Projekt, einzelne S&S abw.)
preparing literary quiz
(YES-Projekt, einzelne S&S abw.)
(YES-Projekt, einzelne S&S abw.) |
(YES-Projekt, einzelne S&S abw.) |
02/03/20 |
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06/03/20 |
Discussing political reality of Macbeth |
Quiz about literary periods: questions and texts.
09/03/20 |
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13/03/20 |
16/03/20 |
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20/03/20 |
SchiLw XXX |
(HJP WB BYOD Teil 1) |
23/03/20 |
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27/03/20 |
30/03/20 |
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03/04/20 |
(YES-Projekt, einzelne S&S abw.) |
(YES-Projekt, einzelne S&S abw.) |
(YES-Projekt, einzelne S&S abw.) |
Karfreitag XXX |
06/04/20 |
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10/04/20 |
Spring Holidays |
13/04/20 |
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17/04/20 |
20/04/20 |
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24/04/20 |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche (UZH !) |
Studienwoche |
27/04/20 |
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01/05/20 |
Oral Mark 2 (individual 10' mat-like exam about two self-chosen books from list provided or otherwise approved by Perino. Minimum 400 pages altogether.)
04/05/20 |
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08/05/20 |
(HJP WB BYOD Teil 2 ---> Stv.) |
11/05/20 |
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15/05/20 |
(schr. Mat-Pr.) |
(schr. Mat-Pr.) |
(schr. Mat-Pr.) |
Auffahrt XXX |
18/05/20 |
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22/05/20 |
(schr. Mat-Pr.) |
(schr. Mat-Pr.) |
25/05/20 |
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29/05/20 |
Whit Monday XXX |
(Mat.-Arb. Präm. KSM 18:00) |
01/06/20 |
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05/06/20 |
(mdl. Mat-Pr.) |
(mdl. Mat-Pr.) |
Fronleichnam XXX |
(mdl. Mat-Pr.) |
08/06/20 |
– |
12/06/20 |
(mdl. Mat-Pr.) |
(mdl. Mat-Pr.) |
15/06/20 |
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19/06/20 |
(Mat.-Feier 17:30) |
(Abg. S&S Feedback) |
22/06/20 |
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26/06/20 |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
Studienwoche |
29/06/20 |
– |
03/07/20 |
Summer Holidays |
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