
K3z English HS 18-19 KSM

Page history last edited by Perino 5 years, 7 months ago



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Class K3z English   HS 2018-19  / Rooms B 302 / B 207









No English

Mr Perino

at UZH

No English



room B302   double lesson

room B 207   single lesson


No English





Summer Holidays
Eröffnungstag XXX

Presentation Feed Forward.pptx

Feed Forward Project.docx  

Reading suggestions.pdf




20/08/18 24/08/18

Introduction Project "Feed Forward" / Choosing reading book / 

working on project 

work on project: 

see materials on sharepoint  (i.e. OneDrive)  (link in email sent to you)

      27/08/18 31/08/18

Sporttag XXX

HW (despite sportsday): hand in, i.e. put the description of your project into your personal folder on OneDrive.

Begin work on Darwin ~ biology (see materials on OneDrive sharepoint)

      03/09/18 07/09/18
L2  work on project /L1  reading: deciding on "screenplay- / info-book" / /  reading introduction to FB

work on Darwin ~ biology: Everybody reads Introduction of "Origin of Species", then start working on your own topic.


Retraite FDE


Retraite FDE

Perino XXX

10/09/18 14/09/18

work on project / reading  HW: finish reading introduction

What's in a name...: FantasticBeasts_Worksheet1.pdf

examples of new beasts created.pdf

Start reading movie script.

HW: check out vocabulary quizes on quizlet to enhance your understanding of the texts. / work on Darwin ~ biology        17/09/18 21/09/18

work on project / reading: HW read up to p. 60

work on Darwin ~ biology

      24/09/18 28/09/18

LM Prüfung Perino:


Spezialwoche Spezialwoche Spezialwoche Spezialwoche 01/10/18 05/10/18
Autumn Holidays 08/10/18 12/10/18
15/10/18 19/10/18

work on project / reading HW read up to p. 120, scene 49 (read this before the holidays, if you don't want to work over the holidays!) Trailer movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYZ3U1inHA4 

(Besuchstage Eltern)

Look at term programme, finalising Darwin project or working on personal project.


(Besuchstage Eltern)







22/10/18 26/10/18

presentations "Darwin" (oral mark)

Mon: Yasmin, Leonie / Nicole / Evelyn, Rhea . 

presentations "Darwin" (oral mark) 

Tue: Gregor, Jeroen  / Eric, Louis  / Alissia, Shania /  Wed:  Jeremy, Martein / Sinja  /  Jannis, Kenneth


Schilw Weiter-

bildung L. XXX

29/10/18 02/11/18

L1: reading HW read up to p. 179

What kind of magic creature are you? Find out!




language flash 1 ---> Test 2

conditionals 0 ===> III


Do grammar AND vocabulary! Should you be done early, go here: http://a4esl.org/q/h/vm/if-clauses.html 



or here: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar_list/if.htm  

or here: http://www.eslgamesworld.com/GrammarGames.html 

(needs flash ---> Safari, no tablet, other browsers that still support flash!


Recommendation: register at: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ ---> get one expression / word per day in your email inbox, + lots more (daily grammar, etc.)

Presentations "Darwin" (oral mark)

Sinja / Doroteja

      05/11/18 09/11/18

"Test 1"  (hand-in deadline for project "Feed Forward")

presentations: Leonie / others discussing evaluation of projects, finalizing them.

language flash 2 ---> Test 2

gerund vs. infinitive:

warm-up: http://a4esl.org/q/h/9801/el-to-ing.html

The ultimate Gerund-Infinitive page: https://www.englishpage.com/gerunds/index.htm 


      12/11/18 16/11/18

presentations / evaluation projects  //

practise gerund - infinitive

language flash 3 ---> Test 2

prepositions in, on, at / prepositions of place, time and direction

prepositions -mindmap.pdf / List in on at  / list place and directions   / list time  / prepositions exercises


    (Probetag Arcanti) 19/11/18 23/11/18

presentations projects  + creative text "Beasts"

Presentation Darwin William? Classmarker Codes for Greg / Rhea!

Revision language flashes, prep for test 2. 

Schnuppertag Schnuppertag Schnuppertag 26/11/18 30/11/18

Test 2: about language flashes 1 - 3 + text

- Conditionals 0 - III + Voc BBC Unit 1

complete vocab list BBC unit conditionals.docx 

- Gerund vs. Infinitive (according to lists above)

- Prepositions of place, time, directions / in, on, at and more

   (as seen in the lists above with "language flash")


Start watching movie "Beast"        03/12/18 07/12/18
reading HW read to the end / discussion in class, continue watching movie "Beasts"

continue watching movie "Beasts"

(Präsentation Mat. Arbeiten)

      10/12/18 14/12/18

finish watching movie, then finishing project:

creative text  "Beasts"



reading out creative text "Beasts" / choosing new class reader



Mat. Arbeiten)

    17/12/18 21/12/18
Xmas Holidays 24/12/18 28/12/18
31/12/18 04/01/19
Introduction 19th Century / Start reading "The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde" 

HW: Hand in Beast stories for review by Friday evening. 

Language Flash: finishing "subjunctive Santa clauses" (see OneNote) / practising:

read: Subjunctive.pdf  /  study: (click!)

practise: Exercise 1  /  Exercise 2  /  Exercise 3  /  Exercise 4  /    See OneNote subjunctive practice page!




Mat. Arbeiten)

(Präsentation Mat.


07/01/19 11/01/19

L1 + L2: HW: read up to p. 36 (end of ch. 4) 

Language Flash: Consolidating "Santa Clauses", see OneNote    

(Jugend Debatier


14/01/19 18/01/19

HW: read up to p. 68 (end of ch. 8)

L1: Reading out your creative "Beast" stories


(Präsentation Mat. Arbeiten)

Language Flash: Phrasal Verbs 1


Mat. Arbeiten)

    21/01/19 25/01/19

HW: read up to p. 109 (end of story)

Lit / Writing: essay about class reading







  Probetag Musical 28/01/19 01/02/19
Sports Holidays

Class K3z English   HS 2018-19  / Rooms B 302 / B 207




No English

Mr Perino

at UZH

No English

Monday Friday

room B302   double lesson

room B 207   single lesson


No English


Sports Holidays
Introducing "5 paragraph essay" (see OneNote ---> writing...) 

Language Flash: ...  

Quizlet URL (click!)

      18/02/19 22/02/19
producing 5 paragraph essay - see OneNote / discussing essays 

preparing for test 3: discussing 5 par. essays

+ more model essays / linking devices: see OneNote

      25/02/19 01/03/19

Test 3: "Santa Clauses" (conjunctive phrases) / Phrasal Verbs: ... / short 5 paragraph essay according to theory studied.

Choosing new class reader (see OneNote) / short story  (click!)       04/03/19 08/03/19
Arguing pro Marine Parks  formal vs. informal        11/03/19 15/03/19
HW: Read modal essay on Oliver Twist and determine thesis statement and topic sentences (in OneNote)/ write similar essay in class / discussing 5P essays / starting to read "Of Mice and Men" (OMM) HW: turn formal sentences into informal ones (on OneNote)  





18/03/19 22/03/19
HW: OMM: Read up to the end of ch. 1, p. 24  info points test / commenting individual texts / class can read for next week.       25/03/19 29/03/19

HW: OMM: Read up to the end of ch. 2, p. 51




Perino IATEFL Perino IATEFL Perino IATEFL 01/04/19 05/04/19
Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche 08/04/19 12/04/19
Spring Holidays 15/04/19 19/04/19
22/04/19 26/04/19
scenes of MM revisited / paragraph writing (see OneNote)  Language / Vocab flash   


  29/04/19 03/05/19

HW: read ch. three of MM (p. 51-85 in reclam)  

Take ch. 3 quiz:


Language / Vocab flash         06/05/19 10/05/19

HW: read ch. four of MM (p. 85-106 in reclam) 

Language / Vocab flash         13/05/19 17/05/19

HW: read ch. five and six of MM (p. 106-end in reclam) 

Test 4: write structured essay about MM / vocabulary seen in vocab flashes will provide bonus points

Start watching movie Of Mice and Men        20/05/19 24/05/19

Finsish watching movie Of Mice and Men

Establishing Self-Evaluation Oral Mark (new)

Then fulfil these two tasks till the end of the lesson:


1  do this advanced grammar challenge at least 3 times (there will be different questions each time): https://www.grammarbank.com/grammar-challenge-advanced.html


2  go to this advanced vocabulary set in quizlet and play against one (or two) of your class mates: https://quizlet.com/308607393/advanced-vocabulary-flash-cards/


  Auffahrt XXX Auffahrt XXX 27/05/19 31/05/19

L1: Discussion Damian teach, Marija watch 

L2: Task on discussion topic / essays back + discuss individually.

Discussing Oral marks individually / Task for class: (to be determined)

Go to grammar challenges of last week or here:

Challenge 1

Challenge 2 (many different "difficult" exercises)

      03/06/19 07/06/19
Pfinstmontag XXX Discussing essays / oral marks // challenges above // wish for last Monday!     Notenabgabe!  10/06/19 14/06/19



KEN Exp. mdl. Mat 
      17/06/19 21/06/19
XXX Language exchange!  XXX language exchange!        24/06/19 28/06/19
Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche Studienwoche 01/07/19 05/07/19
Summer Holidays


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