
Class 3b-c English FS 2017 with Mr Perino at KSM

Page history last edited by Perino 7 years, 7 months ago


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Class 3b-c   FS 2017  / Room B208
  reading / expression
No English!
NO English!
11:10-11:55 (single)
all day:
15:35-17:10 (double lesson!  i  )


  room B208   FDE UZH
room B208   ▼                       
Sports Holidays

Documents / materials for interdisciplinary project "Darwin's world": decide teams, topics ---> start work


Einteilung Int-Bio.xlsx

Who does which topic for Interdisciplinary Project.docx


Online original Text:


Ch. 2: Jessica, Sujeni / Ch. 4 sexual selection: Livia, Stefanie / natural selection: Karthiya, Lea  / Ch. 3:Jean-Luc, Dario / Ch. 6 Nathalie, Leonie / Ch. 8 Antoine, Yannick


Darwin's theory in other area's of culture / society:

Lorina, Mark (Reiligion, language)

Dawson The Selfish Gene.pdf

Darwin's theory of language

Language and Darwin.pdf

Social Darwinism (click!)


Not taken: (Economy)



"Zeitgeist: Nicole, Lená

Darwinism vs. Creationism

more... (see what applied then, in his time) 

Christian reception in his time

Christian reception of Darwin's Theory.pdf

Reception of Darwin's work in his time

Darwin and Islam (click!)


Darwin today: Fiona, Melanie

Darwin's Influence on Modern Thought

Darwins's dangerous idea...

Darwinism vs. Creationism

more...  (see what applies now, in our time)  



Not taken: Darwin's style of writing:

Logical_and_Persuasive_Structures_in_Charles D.doc


HW: Read ch. XX / put in a nutshell: 3b --->ch. XVIII / 3c ---> ch. IXX


Science that inspired Shelley



What science of today would inspire a young writer?


Exkursion Zürich: K1b,c,z XXX /  Prüfungspläne eingeben!

20/02/17 24/02/17
 Weiterbidlung Lehrpersonen  XXX
  preparing Darwin presentation    HW: read Frankenstein Ch. XXI, XXII + read article / watch video above about science that influenced M. Shelly ---> science today? 27/02/17 03/03/17
    preparing Darwin presentation    HW: Read up to the end of Frankenstein: watching movie 06/03/17 10/03/17
    preparing Darwin presentation 


Frankenstein: final discussion / Decide about tests. 

D. Tschanz visiting 

13/03/17 17/03/17



preparing Darwin presentation 

  3 Presentations "Darwin" class 3c (15' each) / EXAM 1: text about Frankenstein, as handed out on March 17 (1 lesson) 20/03/17 24/03/17
    Presentations "Darwin" class 3b - 1    


Pe Sitzung Luzern: StV: Preethy Alex

27/03/17 31/03/17




Pe IATEFL Conference Glasgow: StV: Maria Eisenring


Newspaper Article

Pe IATEFL Conference Glasgow: StV: Preethy Alex

Eintrag Zwischennoten L1a!

03/04/17 07/04/17




Presentations "Darwin" class 3b - 2

  Karfreitag XXX
10/04/17 14/04/17
Spring Holidays 17/04/17 21/04/17
24/04/17 28/04/17
01/05/17 05/05/17

Results of talks / programme / Vocab Training



choosing book: Reading Suggestions 3bc.pdf

Choose electronically


Discussing "What if...? What if.pdf

Priska, Eric, Flavia visiting 

08/05/17 12/05/17

Vocab Training




Starting to read "The Circle": Pre-Reading Discussion: look at current Google Research:


What is "Guetzli"?   https://research.google.com/pubs/pub46077.html

More publications by google:


Pick one and try to understand what it is all about!


[originally: exam 2 (we will NOT use this date for an exam)]

15/05/17 19/05/17

Auffahrts-Brücke XXX

weekly reading assignment: read up to p. 39

22/05/17 26/05/17

weekly reading assignment: read up to p. 71

Fatma watching

29/05/17 02/06/17
Pfingstmontag XXX


Pe LM Prüfung: StV

EXAM 2 (45 min.): Structured Text: various topics to choose from, 350 words.  

weekly reading assignment: read up to p. 105

Dolly teaching 

05/06/17 09/06/17


http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/ (American E.)

http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/ (British E.)

similar pairs.pdf  


ROOM A009! 

weekly reading assignment: read up to p. 160

Liby teaching

Eintrag Zeugnisnoten 3b-c!

12/06/17 16/06/17

ROOM A015!  


http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/ (American E.)

http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/ (British E.)

similar pairs.pdf  



ROOM A009! 

weekly reading assignment: read up to p. 211


Pe Matura Experte KS Stadelhofen: StV

19/06/17 23/06/17

(Pe Matura Experte KS Stadelhofen: StV) ?

Planungstag XXX

further reading sections: p. 253/306/346/385/444/end/

Notenkonvente XXX

26/06/17 30/06/17
Studienwoche Studienwoche
Voc/Gram Kurs!
03/07/17 07/07/17
Summer Holidays


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