
Project India English with Mr Perino at KSM

Page history last edited by Perino 8 years, 1 month ago



Culture: Life of Underprivileged Youth in India


1     General knowledge webquest about India: do – present results (all / Mon afternoon)


2     Webquest about one aspect of India (groups / start Mon afternoon + Tue morning: present results ) /

       Input by Mr Hünerwadel from http://www.asra.ch/ (Tue before midday)


3     Watch "Slumdog Millionaire" and discuss with reference to knowledge gained through webquests

       (Tue morning / Wed morning) [if time: short story "The Prophet's Hair" by Salman Rushdie"]

          The Prophet’s Hair.docx


4     Prepare Millionaire Game for Friday  –-- DO Millionaire Game on Friday (Wed morning)

                 Vorträge Abend.pptx


              LearningApps - Fragen und Antworten zum Game.pdf   /  Flyer Spiel:  Slumdog Flyer.pdf




1     General Knowledge Webquest:

         india_quiz_general (print).pdf / unicef-Political-World-Map-stunting-website2015-2.png.pdf (about under-nurished children)  /  web_addresses.pdf    (same online: click!)


2     Webquest about one aspect:

          india_disadvantaged_children-2016.docx (download / look at on the screen ---> decide which aspect you want to deal with)


3     Watching "Slumdog Millionaire" [if time: "The Prophet's Hair"]

          Topics to take notes on while you watch:

              Prejudice:     Destiny:     Poverty:     Lifestyles of the broke & unknown:         Strong and good moral will eventually succeed?      Love:    

              The position of children in the Indian society:     Learning in everyday situations:     Moving up the social ladder:     Interesting quotes: / 

              Topics relevant to YOUR presentation

               cf. real scenes Mumbai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC-CcaxH8Rg  /  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmCB9befziE  / 

               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyNpjQvd1ms   /  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBPi7qX7JS8  /  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTr-D60Y8BM


4     Preparing Millionaire Game (MG) / Create Summary of Workshop for Friday:

          Example: http://learningapps.org/display?v=xsbs1ra5


Each group creates 3 questions for MG + ONE slide for Powerpoint summary // you can SAY more than you write on slide to make it harder to remember


Decide on your role for Friday: on the computer / taking in name tags + money (4) /  lucky boy or girl who draws the winner in each round  /  person counting the money and paying out 10% to winner  / person who explains the game to public  /  presenter(s) of summary before game





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