
Class L1a English with Mr Perino at KSM

Page history last edited by Perino 8 years ago


Download these files: Vocabulary List: ENGLISH FILE Pre-Int - Vocabulary List Files 1 - 6 first year.pdfOnline Practice with English File Pre-Intermediate (click!)


jump down to Xmas holiday

Class L1a   HS 2016 – 2017  / Room B 204
NO English
11:10-11:55 (single  /  i)
09:20-11:05 (double lesson!  /  i)
all day:
NO English


room B204    

room B204       ▼           ▼ FDE UZH
Summer Holidays
  Basics for every lesson.pdf 

HW (=HOMEWORK): go to this page, look at the patern for questions and watch the videos: then create an interview with 5 different quesitons yourself. Interview a friend or family member.

Rhythm with questions.pdf

Verbs to use in rhythm activity.doc

Introduction English File Pre-Intermediate 3rd edition

    22/08/16 26/08/16

HW: Do exercises 1-3 on page 4 of the student book.

correct exc.


/ 1A play "alphattack" (click!)


HW: study grammar present simple vs. present cont.:


Exercise 1

Explanation, Exercises and Tests

Link to "Alphattack"





Spelling / Pronunciation



09:50-10:30 (L1a)

    29/08/16 02/09/16

HW: English File U1B, p.7 Exc. 3a,b + study Grammar Bank 1A and 1B on p. 126 / do more exercises here, if you want: Explanation, Exercises and Tests

1: Homophones_pack.pdf  / fair.pdfodd.png.pdf   /  ring.pdf

describing people empty.pdf

 describing people.pdf (in color :-)

HW: do left hand side of first page on handout "describing people"

lesson: book p. 5-7

computer room:



(More "didapages" interactive vocabulary books: http://histgeodaudet.free.fr/banque/didapages/site/didavocabulary.html)

    05/09/16 09/09/16

check understanding of ICT task!


HW1: - Do the writing task on p. 25/26 in this online practice book, ( http://chagall-col.spip.ac-rouen.fr/IMG/didapages/description/index.html ) print it out and bring it to class, or save it as a document (pdf) and send it to my email.

HW2: - Go to this online practice book and work through it:


---> list of words to learn done? / look at degrees of adjectives (quite etc.)

go on in NEF p. 6/7

(no HW for Wed)

HW: Look at / do exercises in workbook U1A / U1B


describing people.pdf  (handout)

Describing-people.pdf (task in class)



Wordlist brown and green online books:

word lists describing people.pdf



12/09/16 16/09/16


HW: Study vocab U1A, U1B, lists "describing people"


In lesson: U1C pp. 8/9

Stv:K1a, L1a: Philip Christen

LM Prüfung Perino

HW: look at grammar p. 126, do excercises on p. 127

in class: length - style - colour  /  sounds  /  clothes game  /  1C : Wimmel1.pdf



    19/09/16 23/09/16





Exam: Vocabulary Unit 1 EF Pre-Int. + lists for "describing people" / forms and uses of present simple and present continuous tenses / numbers / be able to READ phonetic symbols of U1 /
    26/09/16 30/09/16
03/10/16 07/10/16
Autumn Holidays 10/10/16 14/10/16
17/10/16 21/10/16



Test back: marks only, discuss when Thomas has written it.

Intro past simple: U 2A Holiday activities, remember:

Rhythm with questions.pdf


HW: Read both texts (Joe / Laura) on p. 12) and understand them so that you can tell what happened without looking at the texts.

revise holiday vocab (p. 152) / Tell two stories + questions

Your own bad holiday... + questions: Holiday questions.docx

Listen to 3 (p. 13)

U 2A: past simple tense grammar

If time: Socu socu baci baci.pdf  /  Link to video: click!


Info ICT Informatik-Biber Wettbewerb! 





24/10/16 28/10/16
  XXX Allerheiligen

HW: Write your own "socu socu" text, prepare to perform it.



    31/10/16 04/11/16


HW: do exc. 4 a, b, c on p.13 / continue U2: past simple / past continuous

HW: Study irregular verb forms for past simple on p. 164 / Past simple: vs. past continuous. U2.


Erklärung und Übungen: click here!

More exsamples: click here!


1. Kl LG KG (?)



07/11/16 11/11/16

HW: Keep studying irregular verb forms for past simple on p. 164 / U 2B, 2C, paractising past tenses

Solutions U2 practice.pdf

HW: Do exercise on sheet (past tenses).

Go on practising in U2

    14/11/16 18/11/16

HW: Do pronunciation excercise 2 on p.17


1. Kl LG KG (?)

Online Test: http://istest.ch/index.php

Exam 2: Vocabulary Unit 2 / Past simple and past continuous: form (+,-, ?) and use / combination of past simple and past ontinuous / Linking words: "but, although: contrast / because: reason /  so: consequence" / Describe a past event using action (past simple) and giving background / description (past continuous).

    21/11/16 25/11/16

U 3A: plans and dreams (be going to - future form)

Test back: Test Vocab L1a.pdf Test Linking Devices L1A.pdf TEst Past Forms L1a.pdf

Ana teaching: U 3A-3B: rep. plans and dreams, introduce arranged future: present continuous.
    28/11/16 02/12/16


Continue Future Forms
Listening to "future songs" determining type of future statements.


05/12/16 09/12/16
  p. 21-24 / informal email
p. 21-24 / informal email    



12/12/16 16/12/16

Adventure.pdf  /  Link to book (click!)



(letzter Schultag vor WN)

19/12/16 23/12/16
Xmas Holidays 26/12/16 30/12/16
        02/01/17 06/01/17
  Rep. Future / What's the word U 3C: defining relative clauses.  self-evaluationL1aHS2016-17.pdf       09/01/17 13/01/17
  Reading Day 1 - Day 3 ---> 6 sentence summary (homework if not finished) / individual talk about self-evaluation 

work on laptops / individual talk about self-evaluation 

talk about book

p. 26-27 EF (restaurant)


(Probetag "Joy")

Noten- /


3. Kl.

16/01/17 20/01/17

Read up to the end of DAY 6 (p. 25) / Do log-in for "classmarker.com": https://www.classmarker.com/register/


Overview + exercises to practise the future tenses:

Overview Uses of Future Tenses  (only look at "present simple, present continuous, will do, be going to do)

Exercise will - be going to

Exercise will - be going to

Exercise will - be going to - pres. cont. ("progressive" = "continuous"

Exercise will - be going to - pres. cont.

Mixed future forms  /   Brief overview

Mixed future forms

Exercise 1 Relative Clauses

Exercise 2: Definitions with Relative Clauses

Exercise 3: 1 Sentence out of 2


Log-in to classmarker tests: https://www.classmarker.com/


Exam 3: Vocabulary Unit 3 /  form and use of future tenses (present simple, present continuous, be going to do, will do)  /  defining relative clauses (what's the word?) 


EF3e_preint_filetest_03_answerkey.doc EF3e_preint_filetest_03b_answer_sheet.pdf EF3e_preint_filetest_04_answerkey.pdf EF3e_preint_filetest_03b.pdf EF3e_preint_filetest_03a_answer_sheet.pdf EF3e_preint_filetest_03a.pdf


23/01/17 27/01/17



Test back, look up solutions, discuss / Shark Bay

Please fill in feedback survey (click!)



HW: read up to p. 35 (end of DAY 8) ---> discuss

Lernber.-Konv.: L1a, 3b,c !




30/01/17 03/02/17
Sports Holidays


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